Sunday, October 17, 2010

Slidebloom Presentation

I ran into a few complications when creating my presentation. After I had finished selecting what I felt to be the most appropriate images, when I uploaded my presentation to Slidebloom I got a message on several of the slides saying I needed Quicktime and a decompression file. The images were working fine on my original file but just wouldn't work in Slidebloom. I had to choose about 3 more images that weren't quite as effective but still get the job done.
This version of the powerpoint is far more effective than the original version simply because words were needed to describe the images at the same time. The two work together so that the audience can better understand the content of the presentation.
Slidebloom is a great way for students to share and critique each other's work. It is a place where students can store their work and teachers and students alike can view the work and make comments to help improve their presentations.
I have to say that embedding narration wasn't as easy as I had hoped. I originally started on a Mac and thought all was going well until I reached my final slide. For some reason, I couldn't record my narration completely without it getting cut off. After a little research, I discovered this is a common unsolved issue with Microsoft Powerpoint on Mac's. I then had to rush to Walmart to purchase a microphone for my PC and transfer the file to my PC. I ended up having to re-record each slide, but FINALLY finished the process. YAY! Aside from the minor complications, I think this experience made me more aware of how fast I speak. I honestly don't know how my students manage to keep up with me, but they do!! This is definitely going to come in handy when or if I have a substitute teacher. It will be as if I never left the classroom. :)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Thing 18

I choose Facebook!!/amanda.ezell
Here is my facebook account. I have had both facebook and myspace accounts but really felt that facebook was more appropriate for me. I noticed myself caring more about the appearance of my page than actually networking to keep up with others. Facebook to me a more user friendly. I like having the homepage to keep up with various posts from those within my networking circle. I don't have to worry with glitz and glam of a page. Social networking sites such as Facebook can be very beneficial to education as well as outside of school. Many schools now have facebook pages that students can join. This gives the students a sense of pride in their school and allows them to constantly be in contact with each other as related to school. It is important that educators know how to operate these social networking sites primarily for the simple fact that nearly every (of age and sometimes even underage) student belongs to a networking site. This is what these students know well. Why must teachers be teaching in the stone age when we can use this type of technology to encourage kids to work collaboratively and also build relationships at the same time? It still upsets me that my local district keeps facebook blocked not only for students but teachers as well. There comes a time when administration must actually trust their teachers to not abuse something if given privileges to use it AND if that abuse begins to occur, then revoke those users privileges rather than mass punishing those who are willing to use social networking in an educational way!

Thing 17

I have used delicious only once for another class I had taken but didn't really spend sufficient time searching through the bookmarks. All I can say is WOW. You can find something for nearly any topic of your choice. I found several resources for teaching elementary music. I wish this had been around when I first began teaching music. I was always competent at finding material online, but this makes life so much easier. And with the added bookmarks, you can have more luck finding more material. This also gives you the option at searching through other users bookmarks. This leads you to find some things without actually typing in a particular keyword or bookmark. More than likely the topics you are researching will relate to other bookmarks from other users. For instance when I began a search on musical elements and found that topic, I chose to view a users list of other bookmarked materials. While doing this I found some other interesting music resources this user had bookmarked. This opens the door for educators to work collaboratively to increase their resources. A new way to work smarter instead of harder. Thank goodness for social bookmarking!

Thing 16

My start page
I have added blogger to my widget because I am contantly checking it. I also cleared some widgets I don't use. I know I have discussed this in a previous blog, but having a start page that contains your most checked or used information is very beneficial and time saving.

Google Calendar:
I have used the Google online calendar for my church website, but I don't plan or attend enough events to make good and frequent use of online calendars. Contrary to many other people, I actually prefer to stick with my old fashioned desk calendar in my own handwriting. BUT I can certainly see and appreciate the usefulness of an online calendar.

Remember the Milk:
This is a great site to keep up with your "to-do" list. My only problem is remembering to get online and check off my list. The reason why I have a hard time getting everything done is because I lack the time to finish all that needs to be done. Having to get on the computer takes even more time out of the day.  However, one of these days I would LOVE to have an iPhone so that I can constantly have internet access without having to pay per usage fees. This would make Remember the Milk even more beneficial to use!

Thing 15


I like wikis. What a great way to get all students involved on a project. I know I have used one a few times in other classes when creating  study guides for upcoming tests. Our professor would post possible questions that could be asked and we worked as a team to answer the questions in order to create a guide to study by. Wikis are extremely easy to use, but I think it needs to be made clear what the boundaries of a wiki consist of. Users need to be aware that altering another person's work without consulting him/her first is not the best thing to do. Wikis should be used to add more information and explain unclear concepts from another perspective.
This is what I added to Sandbox.
{Hi, I'm Amanda. Just here to play around with the wiki. Below I have pasted a section of Thing 6 from my blog, my favorite web 2.0 app.
 Below that is a puzzle I created from Thing 8.
2.0 Tool I like....JamLegend
Ok, let me start by saying I am NOT a gamer at all.  I have never been good at any type of electronic game, and never cared that I stunk at games because games are not my thing. BUT the first time I played Guitar Hero, I had a blast. Jamlegend is very similar to Guitar Hero and can be played online using the number keys on the keyboard.
  • user friendly
  • variety of songs to choose from
  • different levels of challange
  • can create an account by using Facebook account
  • don't have to be a member to play
  • can play against computer or other members
  • don't know many of the songs that are free
  • most of the well known songs must be paid for and downloaded
  • random advertisements not appropriate for all ages}
I also inserted an image I had created. Making changes to the Wiki was very easy to do .

Thing 14

I really like I spent time experimenting with both and flowchart. I found to be more simple to use and for my class this would be more appropriate to use. I actually created a map I will use within the next month in order for my students to better understand the realtionship of the elements of music.

 I am a fan of simple websites with simple choices. That's why is for me. It was easy to create a mind map and experiment with size and color. It was also easy to save and make changes to my document and to export my final product into an image file or website. I only wish I had thought to use this years ago. This is a perfect way to visually connect  and discuss the the content I am currently teaching.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Thing 13

I love Zoho! I played for while with a couple of documents and found it to be very similar to Microsoft Word. I especially love that you can import and export different file types so that you can open them on Zoho and other software as well. I also love that I can access my docs from any computer connected to the Internet. Other than Microsoft losing loads of money, I can't see any major downfall with online processing applications. This is very beneficial to those who honestly can't afford pricey software. I recently bought a laptop that had a trial version of Microsoft Office. Now that the trial version has expired, I will continue to use Zoho to meet my writing needs. GO ZOHO!!!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Thing 5- got out of order

What is School 2.0?
Well somehow I managed to skip Thing 5, so here's to trying to get back on track.
School 2.0 to me is a new school where the learners are in charge of what they will learn. It is an interactive technologically based system that offers the learner limitless possibilites. It is a school where the learner can set his or her pace and learn as much or as little as he/she prefers. According to Web 2.0: A Guide for Educators, Web 2.0 has "transformed the internet from an e-commerce to a planet-wide networked community where every citizen is invited to create content". Kids today are digital natives and are already familiar with this new way of learning and education needs to hop on board. This is how students are learning, yet many schools actually keep from using technology within their classroom. 
Web 2.0 may take some digital immigrants out of their comfort zones but will allow them to reach students on their own "turf". This will allow students to be more comfortable and to also take more ownership in what they learn.  If educators can peak the students' interest and let go of the reigns, we may surprised at the amount our students are capable of learning using this new 2.0 school. The biggest problem our schools face today is the money needed to make our schools more tech-ready for Web 2.0. Students need constant internet access and in many schools, there isn't even a computer lab. Another change would mean that teachers would have to give up some control of their classroom and become more of a facilitator rather than an instructor. 
Word of advice: Schools get ready, Web 2.0 is coming fast and strong. School systems must step up and embrace the change. Let's reach these students so that they can continue to be LIFELONG learners!

Thing 12

This is my igoogle page. I have the following gadgets on my page:
This another vacation picture from Gatlinburg that I uploaded using Picasa Web Albums. This was very simple to us but not nearly as interesting as Flickr. However, I am extremely impressed with all that Google can do. iGoogle is great for a homepage and can be used to keep up with news feeds or other important gadgets that can be used in the classroom. Best of all, it is all on one page. You can even have a virtual hamster for your class pet without ever having to change a stinky cage. Simply said, GOOGLE ROCKS!

Thing 11

searching for RSS feeds
I am a Google girl through and through. I absolutely love Google and use it often. I found that the Google blog search was the easiest for me to navigate and understand probably because it is set so much like all the other Google tools. Second to Google I liked Technorati. It was also easy to search through and follow.
The most confusing tool in my opinion was Syndic8. I didn't have as much luck when searching for feeds,  the home page appeared cluttered with too many links. The search box was in the middle of the page rather than the top like most search tools. Topix was ok, but as soon as I typed in my zip it gave me choices that really weren't worth reading.
I subscribed to PBS teachers resources feed. I know that will be very helpful throughout the year.
While I was using Topix I entered my zip code and several odd feeds appeared. One was titled "Who's the hottest MILF in Hopkinsville?" I decided it would be best if I left that one alone. LOL! I think that one is a little irrelevant to my current content. I'll just stick with my Google search tools!

Thing 10

RSS feeds
I really like that instead of surfing various websites for resources or updates, I can have one website that I can frequent that contains all of the information I would normally search for. I like that I can add as many RSS feeds as I'd like and can access them all within seconds and never have to leave my reader page. I created my account with Google Reader about a year ago but hadn't spent much time using it until now. Wish I had!!! I should have been using this at school to keep all of my resources together for my classroom. I find myself searching for HOURS for different resources I can use in the classroom, when all I had to do was subscribe to different feeds and read through them each day. This would have saved me so much time. As I find more resources I will be checking for the RSS symbol so that I can subscribe.

Thing 9

Photo Fun
I created this magazine cover using This is my younger brother and me at my older brother's house when his band came to play. I rarely sing with him so I thought this was a special occasion and decided to make our "star" moment. LOL! This was very simple to create. I uploaded the photo and chose the magazine cover. It was as simple as that.

Since I was on a roll with my brother's band, I decided to make a logo for his band Root Douglas. I used to create this logo. I wanted something that related to a tree or roots because of the group's name. Again, very easy to create. I chose the font and then the background.

As far as how I could use this in the classroom, again I would rather the students have the opportunity to experiment with these apps rather than me make things for them to see. I think the magazine cover creator would be great for students to use when they are writing articles in class. I know the students in my school must write pieces for authentic purposes and one of those pieces is an article. This would be a way to have the students buy in to the writing process if they could actually create a "real" cover of the magazine that features their article.

Thing 8

Mashup time
I made this puzzle with Jigsaw and linked it to my Flickr account. This was by far the most simple thing I have EVER created. I simply linked my account, chose the photo, and let Jigsaw do the rest. But I love taking credit for the results. This is another photo from our Gatlinburg vacation.

I can see how a variety of Flickr mashups can be helpful in the classroom. The Spell with Flickr app could be great for adding some fun to traditional spelling and vocabulary lists. How much fun would the kids have creating their spelling lists with that app? Pictures can be used in any content area. All of these apps allow a teacher to enhance those visual images in a way that the students can be involved in the interactive process. They allow the students to have a new perspective on an old concept.

How do I feel about sharing photos online? I think it is a great idea, but we must be careful. Of course not all people use the Internet in the most helpful or beneficial way. This is why we as educators we must extra cautious to ensure the safety of our students. We must choose our images carefully and take precautions to make sure that we don't put our students at risk to corruption of the mind or other things.

Thing 7

I love this pic. I took it at the Ripley's Aquarium in Gatlinburg this summer while on vacation. I love the contrast in colors. As you can see, I am NOT a great photographer but I tried.
Here is another one that I might just make my own personal postcard..also from Gatlinburg (as if you can't tell) right outside our condo.

This is my first Flickr experience. I found it to be moderately easy. The only real problem I ran into was posting the URL of the image itself. I had to right click and "save image location" to get it to work properly and I am still not certain if it will turn out ok when everyone views it.
As of this moment, I don't plan on using Flickr in my classroom unless I can connect it to my music content (which I am sure I can but I working on all of the other current tools available). However, I love it for personal use. The only photo sharing site I have used is the photo option on Facebook. I don't really have a problem with posting pictures on the Internet. I can change the privacy settings if I choose to. I know some people worry about safety but I guess if someone really wants to find me, they will whether my pic is on Flickr or not.

Thing 6

2.0 Tool I like....JamLegend
Ok, let me start by saying I am NOT a gamer at all.  I have never been good at any type of electronic game, and never cared that I stunk at games because games are not my thing. BUT the first time I played Guitar Hero, I had a blast. Jamlegend is very similar to Guitar Hero and can be played online using the number keys on the keyboard.
  • user friendly
  • variety of songs to choose from
  • different levels of challange
  • can create an account by using Facebook account
  • don't have to be a member to play
  • can play against computer or other members
  • don't know many of the songs that are free
  • most of the well known songs must be paid for and downloaded
  • random advertisements not appropriate for all ages
  • some songs not appropriate for all ages
I have far more GREAT things to say about this web 2.0 tool than negative. I would absolutely LOVE to try this using a mobile laptop lab in my music classroom. Of course there is the issue that the students may try to click on an inappropriate song or pop-up advertisement, but this would be a great way to allow students to have an interactive music experience that is different from the norm. It would give the students a chance to feel the pressure of many performing artists when they are "in the spotlight" and would also help them further develop their sense of rhythm. Seriously, I wonder how many people from my generation (I'm 30 btw) would have LOVED experiencing music like this. I may have even taken guitar lessons had this been around back then.

Thing 4

Blog commenting
Commenting helps create a sense of interaction and community because the words on the web page become examples of real life instances where the content of the blog has been meaningful. Comments are necessary because what is the point of a blog with no comments? It would just be an online diary, meant for the author's eyes only. According to Your Comments by Blue Skunk Blog, blog writers do write to be heard. If they didn't want comments, then they would write in a spiral bound notebook and keep it to themselves. Comments give the writer insight to whether or not others can relate or agree to what he has written.
Two other interesting topics from the reading is to beware of Darth Commenter. This is the person who is excellent at putting other bloggers down. Instead of beginning with an argument or rebuttal against the blog, begin by commenting on what you do agree with. Another topic I found interesting is to be a brave newbie when leaving comments to the blogger. According to Cool Cat Teacher Blog,  newbies have an interesting perspective when they first begin commenting. After a year their perspectives begin to change. Be brave and post your comments even if you are a new learner.

More to come on Thing 4 once I choose the blogs I will follow.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Thing 3

How would I use my blog in the classroom??

I could use my blog in a variety of ways with my students. One way would be to share news with my students and their parents, to keep them informed of activities we will be doing in class. Another way would be to post web resources that we might have used in class that day or that pertain to what I have been teaching so that the students could access resources at home. I could also use my blog to build personal relationships with my students' families. It would provide a way for them to get to know a little bit more about me personally and give them an additional way to comment or communicate with me. It could give students a chance to voice their thoughts with me and their classmates about what we are learning in class.

Thing 1

I guess out of all of the seven and half lifelong learning habits, habit number one is probably my most difficult. I am not a great goal setter, at least not when it comes to being specific. For instance, when I first checked out the Macbook from APSU last spring I realized I was clueless about how Macs operate. I couldn't even figure out how to right click. So I thought to myself, "I'll Google it". I started out by looking up key strokes then realized I wanted to know more. My problem is that I begin by saying "I would like to learn______." but I never set a specific goal so I change my mind repeatedly along the way. If I could start out by setting that specific goal, I could work to reach it and then move on to a new goal.

The easiest lifelong habit is viewing problems as a challenge. If I reach a stumbling block along the way, I turn it into a stepping stone. I am determined that I will figure it out no matter how long it takes. I am quite a determined individual (my husband would say headstrong) and I actually like challenges. They make me compete against myself to complete the task. When I can beat the challenge, I feel like I have really accomplished something.

Ok- on to Web 2.0. I am really enjoying playing with the Web 2.0 tools. I am surfing through those tools to see which ones I can use with my elementary students during their music class time. I had a blast with Jamlegend and would like to use it when teaching the kids how to actually FEEL the rhythm in a song rather than just writing rhythms. I know they would really enjoy it. I lack SO many materials in my classroom that are essential to teaching music. I also lack funding to send them on trips to see live performances. These tools bring so much of the world into the classroom and give the students many opportunities to learn old concepts in new and exciting of all, they can learn at their own pace!

Blogging Experience- Creating the blog wasn't hard at all. Blogger provides an easy step-by-step process that is very user friendly. I have actually enjoyed creating the blog and this post as well. I need to make sure I am posting in the proper manner, but other than that I feel pretty confident in my blogging skills.