Sunday, October 3, 2010

Thing 5- got out of order

What is School 2.0?
Well somehow I managed to skip Thing 5, so here's to trying to get back on track.
School 2.0 to me is a new school where the learners are in charge of what they will learn. It is an interactive technologically based system that offers the learner limitless possibilites. It is a school where the learner can set his or her pace and learn as much or as little as he/she prefers. According to Web 2.0: A Guide for Educators, Web 2.0 has "transformed the internet from an e-commerce to a planet-wide networked community where every citizen is invited to create content". Kids today are digital natives and are already familiar with this new way of learning and education needs to hop on board. This is how students are learning, yet many schools actually keep from using technology within their classroom. 
Web 2.0 may take some digital immigrants out of their comfort zones but will allow them to reach students on their own "turf". This will allow students to be more comfortable and to also take more ownership in what they learn.  If educators can peak the students' interest and let go of the reigns, we may surprised at the amount our students are capable of learning using this new 2.0 school. The biggest problem our schools face today is the money needed to make our schools more tech-ready for Web 2.0. Students need constant internet access and in many schools, there isn't even a computer lab. Another change would mean that teachers would have to give up some control of their classroom and become more of a facilitator rather than an instructor. 
Word of advice: Schools get ready, Web 2.0 is coming fast and strong. School systems must step up and embrace the change. Let's reach these students so that they can continue to be LIFELONG learners!

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