Sunday, October 10, 2010

Thing 18

I choose Facebook!!/amanda.ezell
Here is my facebook account. I have had both facebook and myspace accounts but really felt that facebook was more appropriate for me. I noticed myself caring more about the appearance of my page than actually networking to keep up with others. Facebook to me a more user friendly. I like having the homepage to keep up with various posts from those within my networking circle. I don't have to worry with glitz and glam of a page. Social networking sites such as Facebook can be very beneficial to education as well as outside of school. Many schools now have facebook pages that students can join. This gives the students a sense of pride in their school and allows them to constantly be in contact with each other as related to school. It is important that educators know how to operate these social networking sites primarily for the simple fact that nearly every (of age and sometimes even underage) student belongs to a networking site. This is what these students know well. Why must teachers be teaching in the stone age when we can use this type of technology to encourage kids to work collaboratively and also build relationships at the same time? It still upsets me that my local district keeps facebook blocked not only for students but teachers as well. There comes a time when administration must actually trust their teachers to not abuse something if given privileges to use it AND if that abuse begins to occur, then revoke those users privileges rather than mass punishing those who are willing to use social networking in an educational way!

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