Sunday, October 3, 2010

Thing 9

Photo Fun
I created this magazine cover using This is my younger brother and me at my older brother's house when his band came to play. I rarely sing with him so I thought this was a special occasion and decided to make our "star" moment. LOL! This was very simple to create. I uploaded the photo and chose the magazine cover. It was as simple as that.

Since I was on a roll with my brother's band, I decided to make a logo for his band Root Douglas. I used to create this logo. I wanted something that related to a tree or roots because of the group's name. Again, very easy to create. I chose the font and then the background.

As far as how I could use this in the classroom, again I would rather the students have the opportunity to experiment with these apps rather than me make things for them to see. I think the magazine cover creator would be great for students to use when they are writing articles in class. I know the students in my school must write pieces for authentic purposes and one of those pieces is an article. This would be a way to have the students buy in to the writing process if they could actually create a "real" cover of the magazine that features their article.

1 comment:

  1. Love the magazine cover! I think you are right. Kids would love creating one for their writing assignments. In 5th grade our students have to do the state writing assessment. This might be a neat way to get them interested in writing. I realize they won't be able to do something like this on the real test, but it could definitely encourage practice for it!
